Winner of Prolyte Contest

Winner of Prolyte Contest
Thanks for all who have shared their best photos of Prolyte product to us. We were amazed by the nice structures you had built and pleased to see our product contributed to these events. Thank you for joining and look forward to see you next time!
We’ve received a great number of magnificent pictures from all of you, and it all came down to these two; which all of us at Prolyte agreed they were the most out of the box creatively captured!

Winner: Sjors Titulaer from Riggingbox

Event: Amsterdam Music Festival

Location: Johan Cruijff ArenA

Products: Trusses S52V and H30V

Runner up goes to 

Lars Nicolaisen - Stagebox

Event: Gottschalks big 68er Show

Location: Hamburg Theater

Product: Trusses B100RV, H30V, H30D and S36V